Here you find a selection of my writings in Political Philosophy, the Ethics of Emerging Technolgoies, Migration Ethics and Economic Ethics. Political Philosophy
1. An Epistemic Account of Populist Ideology (Episteme 2023). Read online.
Some theorists believe that populism is nothing more than an 2. An Egalitarian Challenge to Increasing Epistemic Value
(Synthese 2023, wiith A. Ebrahimi Afrouzi). Read online. The standard view in debates on epistemic democracy is that increasing decision accuracy is an unconditional good. We show that decision accuracy also has a distributive element, which puts doubt on the standard view. 3. Epistemic Democracy: Making Pluralism Productive (Episteme 2023). Read online.
Sometimes a reasonable party can only be convinced of the policy p by seeing p in action. Epistemic progress thus demands not only freedom of speech, but also freedom of action. Sometimes the proof is in the pudding 4. Political Pluralism, Disagreement and Justice: The Case for a Polycentric Democracy (Routledge 2019)
I argue that only a institutional arrangement that is explicitly designed with an eye towards deep, shallow and lazy disagreements will generate an overlapping consensus. 5. Epistemic Democracy: Beyond Knowledge Exploitation (Philosophical Studies 2017). Read online.
I argue that the accuracy of political decision-making depends not only on how good we are at using existing knowledge, but also on how much knowledge there is. Thus: ceteris paribus, we should choose institutions that are better at generating relevant knowledge. The Ethics of Emerging Technology 1. Democracy on a blockchain: The cure for populism? (in: The Twin Challenges of Populism, forthcoming, with D. Johnson). Preprint online.
Since the advent of Bitcoin, techno-optimists have suggested that the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies – so-called blockchain technology – might be capable of solving a number of institutional problems that plague modern democracies. The paper provides an introduction and critical appraisal of the idea of "cryptodemocracy" advanced by Allen, Berg and Lane (2019).. 2. Defending the order ethics approach to the ethics of crashing (in: Evolving Business Ethics 2022 with J. Gogoll). Read online.
Here we are responding to some of the critics of our 2015 paper "Autonomous Cars: In Favor of a Mandatory Ethics Setting". 3. Should Manual Driving be (Eventually) Outlawed? (Science and Engineering Ethics 2020 with J. Gogoll). Read online.
Once autonomous driving is much safer than manual driving, should the latter be outlawed? We provide a surprising answer. 4. Autonomous Cars: In Favor of a Mandatory Ethics Setting. (Science and Engineering Ethics 2016 with J. Gogoll). Read online.
We live in a pluralist society.. Does that mean that everyone should have a choice - within reason - over the ethics setting of his or her autonomous vehicle? We argue: No! Migration Ethics 1. Applied Ethics (in: Handbook of Migration Ethics, forthcoming).
What methods do philospohers apply when analysing moral and political issues in the context of migration? 2. The Ethics of Commercial Human Smuggling (European Journal of Political Theory 2018). Read online.
Does otherwise morally permissible (or laudable) human smuggling, turn immoral when smugglers take money? Nope. 3. Advancing Justice by Appealing to Self-Interest: The Case for Charter Cities (Moral Philosophy and Politics 2016)
I argue that developing charter cities is the only sustainable way of responding to the legitimate claims of the persecuted and desitute. Economic Ethics 1. Order Ethics: The Turn towards Polycentric Democracy (Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik 2017)
I argue that the fundamental commitments of order ethics are more in line with a polycentric democracy than with Karl Homann's variant of constitutional democracy. 2. Order Ethics – Bridging the Gap between Contractarianism and Business
Ethics (Journal of Business Ethics 2015 with C. Lütge und T. Armbrüster) We introduce and develop a contractarian approach to business ethics that builds on the prior work of J. Buchanan, E. Ostrom and K. Homann. 3. Ordnungsethik als übergreifender methodischer Ansatz zur Analyse von
bereichsethischen Fragestellungen (Bereichsethiken im interdisziplinären Dialog, with C. Luetge 2014) We introduce order ethics as framework for conceptualizing problems and solutions in applied ethics. 4. Ludwig von Mises als Sozialphilosoph (Friedrich Nau-
mann Trust 2012). This book provides a short introduction to Mises' work and offers a contractarian reconstruction of his political thought. |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian F. Müller
University of Graz Hilmgasse 4/I, 8010 Graz, Austria Tel.: +43/(0)316/380–2316 E-Mail: julian.mueller[at] Web: Department of Philophy |