I am a Professor of Political Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Graz. My main areas of research are political philosophy and applied ethics. In political philosophy, my work revolves around the themes of reasonable and unreasonable political disagreements. In my book, Political Pluralism, Disagreement and Justice (Routledge 2019), I develop the idea of Polycentric Democracy, a set of institutions that is designed to advance justice amidst pervasive disagreements about facts and norms. The book was awarded the Werner von Melle and the Roman Herzog Prize. In recent work, I have looked more closely at unreasonable disagreements, developing an epistemic theory of populist ideology. Currently, I am interested in the systematic role of the notion of truth in theories of classical liberalism. In applied ethics, I have published on migration ethics, the ethics of emerging technologies and economic ethics. In my spare time, I chase balls with rackets and kings with pawns. |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian F. Müller
University of Graz Hilmgasse 4/I, 8010 Graz, Austria Tel.: +43/(0)316/380–2316 E-Mail: julian.mueller[at]uni-graz.at Web: Department of Philophy - Graz |